The world has been changing towards gaining a better work/life balance for some time. Now working from home is easier than ever.
Successfully working from home depends in part on your personality. Are you disciplined, organised and focused enough to avoid being distracted? Can you work things out for yourself? Do you welcome the opportunity to connect with your family while still giving quality service to your employer?
Whatever the answers to these questions, you won't get far unless you're set up to work efficiently. You'll need reliable systems, a secure connection to your office network, collaboration tools and more. Many of these technologies have matured considerably in the last few years.
Imagetext's expertise and comprehensive IT support services will help you set yourself up to work seamlessly and productively from home. As for your personality? That part's up to you.

Cyber Security
Cyber Security
Connect to your office network securely with Imagetext's multi-layer approach to systems and data protection.

Device Deployment & Management
Device Deployment & Management
Easily set up and manage remote working devices with zero touch deployment and management tools.

Managed IT Services
Managed IT Services
Your staff can work productively from home with the right tools and proactive management of your wider network.
How Imagetext can help you create a better home technology experience
Nowadays, connected technology is almost essential for home study and entertainment. Yes, you can open a book, but when your mobile phone, smart tv, laptop, PC, tablet - let's face it, even your fridge - are connected to the Internet, you have at your fingertips a vast amount of information and potential for enjoyment. And now schools and businesses are increasing the requirement for home working; someone in the household has to become the Home IT Manager and provide the IT support. So how confident are you that your home setup is as simple, reliable and secure as possible whilst still being able to access the applications you need for home working or studying?
Imagetext is an Apple and Microsoft certified IT support company with over 30 years of experience. We've been helping people work from home for years and have created solutions specifically to help families manage home IT using world-class technologies. Our @HomeIT solutions keep you safe, secure and connected so that you can study and work with tech at home reliably and productively.
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Contact Imagetext
Phone: +64 (09) 623 3102
Level 1, 3 Owens Road,
Epsom, Auckland 1023
New Zealand