Why you should rent your next MacBook

23 Jan 2017

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It’s an increasingly common question with todays technology: should you buy or should you rent?

We can all agree that technology has a transformative effect on business, and often it’s the early bird that gets the worm. However, taking advantage of new technology can be a hurdle, especially for small businesses.

Cash flow is a major constraint for many SMEs, so the decision to fork out thousands on new tech needs to be weighed carefully against the benefits it will bring. Before you make a decision, consider this: instead of buying everyone iPads, why not rent them?

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You don’t have to own tech to enjoy it.

Why small businesses need flexible tech

Renting or leasing technology is nothing new. It’s a good way to keep up to date, ensuring you’re operating on the latest systems. They’re often tax deductible, too. On top of this, being able to choose from a range of tech lets your IT change as you do, so you’re not stuck with a system you no longer need. But where rentals really shine for small business is coping with a variable work load.

According to the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment small business survey, 26 per cent of people who are employed by small businesses work part time. This is hardly surprising, as the nature of small business is fluctuation.

Some months you may be struggling to find business, other months you might be inundated. Taking on extra staff is always tricky – even if it’s just hiring university students to cope with the summer rush – but it begs the question of what to do with their tech? BYOD has emerged as the latest and greatest trend in the modern workplace, but it’s yet to become a business staple.

By renting what you need, when you need it, you avoid the dilemma of spending vital cash on tech you wont need three months down the track.

By renting what you need, when you need it, you avoid the dilemma of spending vital cash.

Ups and downs

It goes both ways. Summer students are one thing, but what about covering for absences? Something as simple as pregnancy leave can pose a monumental challenge for small businesses, that have to decide whether or not to cover for the temporary loss. Being able to adjust the volume (and cost) of your tech offers the same benefit for when you’re working with fewer employees.

Running a business is a fantastic and rewarding opportunity. Don’t let your IT systems hold your business back. Get in touch with the team at Imagetext Integrated Solutions today, to find out how we can help you today.


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